Legal Disclaimer


Legal Disclaimer


All data and information displayed in our website or related website has been collected from different public portals and free distribution networks. It do not take any responsibility for any copyright or registration or trademark of any of the product mentioned on our website or server. If you are an owner of any respective material or content, you can contact us to remove that. Because that is being submitted by different users on our website.

Intellectual Property Rights

We do not control these inventories as they are being submitted by different users and collected from different public domains. We do not have any liabilities for these products so the trademark, product copyright will have to their respective owners. If you have any issue with the product hosted on our website, you can contact us and we will take action to remove that.

Representations And Warranties And Limitations Of Liability

Any and all item, vector, image, theme, archive, code, design, content, information, opinion, article, recommendation, metric, post, blog, image, idea or commentary displayed on KeVaCo PLR Shop is provided free of charge and for information and reference purposes only. No liability for its correctness and suitability is assumed by us. The aforementioned content is not intended to amount to commercial, marketing, Internet or advice to any third party on a specific subject, topic, matter or industry.
Through KeVaCo PLR Shop, you may be able to access other third party websites not under our control. We have no power over the scope, accessibility, content, data, services, products, images and/or related multimedia of such websites, and the same are displayed only for convenience. The insertion of a hyperlink or banner does not entail or imply an endorsement of any products and services thereinto by us. Please, read the applicable terms and policies of such third party websites.
Under no circumstance whatsoever, shall KeVaCo PLR Shop be legally responsible for any loss or damage, including without limitation, direct, indirect, consequential, punitive, exemplary, special losses or damages, or any other damage of any kind arising out of or related to, the use and access of KeVaCo PLR Shop by you or any person.
To the maximum extent allowed by applicable law, we hereby exclude all representations, warranties and conditions relating to KeVaCo PLR Shop and use and access thereof (including, without limitation, any express or implied warranties of satisfactory workmanship or quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement and/or the use of reasonable degree of care or skill). Accordingly, we will not be liable for any loss of goodwill, income, profit, revenue, business, data, or information.
Nothing in this disclaimer (or elsewhere on KeVaCo PLR Shop) will exclude or limit our liability caused by our negligence, or for any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.


KeVaCo PLR Shop hereby reserves the right to amend, update and change this disclaimer from time to time, without prior notice, and its sole and final discretion. The updated disclaimer will apply to and rule any and all use and/or access of Site by you from the date such changes are posted through KeVaCo PLR Shop. Please browse this page regularly to read the latest version.Generals.This disclaimer, together with our Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and us in relation to your access and use of the Site, and supersedes all prior appertaining communications and agreements of any kind regarding the subject matter hereof.
Please refer to our Privacy Policy for information regarding advertisement and opt-out mechanisms. Any discrepancy arising from this disclaimer will be construed and governed under the applicable laws of India.

Personal Data

We may collect and use personal information about your usage of KeVaCo PLR Shop, including certain types of information from and about you. KeVaCo PLR Shop may use this information for:
i)Its own business purposes, provided that such information will not personally identify you.
ii)Create and maintain a database of our users and slice and dice data obtained therefrom.
iii)Provide you with products, goods and services sold through KeVaCo PLR Shop marketplace.
iv)Use of anonymized, non-personally identifiable data and info of you and other users, in order to create and display browsing and consumption preferences profiles, charts, and aggregated statistics and databases.
Henceforth, we will endeavor to reasonably protect your data, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.
If you have any further questions or inquire, do not hesitate to contact us at:
Address : Sebastian, FL 32976
Phone : 802-363-0895
Email :
